Java ferns (Micosorum pteropus) are found in southeast asia, in shady rivers and under waterfalls.
They are a forground plant being about 8 in height. They do best if you dont plant them in the substrate. They should be tied to drift wood or a rock with cotton tread. The reason to use cotton is it will disolve over time. If you do plant it in the substrate be careful not to bury the rhizome as it will rot.
They are very hardy and dont need many extras. As far as light goes the need 1 to 2 watts per gallon, the more light the faster they will grow. Altough not needed, java fern will respond well to it. They take in most of their nutrients though their leaves.So it is important to have plenty of nutrients in the water colum.
They reproduce by dauter plants thet form on the tips of the leaves. These dauter plants will then fall off and attach to someting. If you want to remave the dauter plant you can do so by gently puling it from the mother plant being careful not to damage the leaf to much.
The java fern is a hardy plant that I would recomend to anyone who would like to keep a planted aquarium.